In this post I would like to show you the first step: generate CSV data from a store. There will be further post to this topic:
Part 2: Save csv string as csv file on the device
Part 3: Send csv file from device as email to recepients
If you have comments, questions or improvements please post them in the comment area!
The parameters are easy to understand:
// store: a reference to the store, which you want to send // inFilter(optional): pass a filter function and the store will be filtered before taking data from it // callback(optional): pass a callback function to use the csv data somewhere else STORE2CSV: function (store, inFilter, callback) { var dataArray = new Array(); if (inFilter === undefined || inFilter === null) { doBuild(); } else { store.clearFilter(); store.filter(inFilter); doBuild(); } function doBuild() { store.load({ callback: function (r, options, success) { if (success === true) { store.each(function (item) { dataArray.push(item.getData()); }); var csv = createCSV(dataArray); if (callback !== undefined) { callback(csv); } } } }); } function createCSV(objArray) { var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? Ext.util.JSON.encode(objArray) : objArray, str = '', line = '', value = '', head = array[0]; // HEAD LINE for (var index in array[0]) { value = tryHeaderTranslate(index) + ""; line += '"' + value.replace(/"/g, '""') + '",'; } line = line.slice(0, -1); str += line + '\r\n'; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { line = ''; for (var index in array[i]) { value = array[i][index] + ""; line += '"' + value.replace(/"/g, '""') + '",'; } line = line.slice(0, -1); str += line + '\r\n'; } return str; } // Try to translate the header function tryHeaderTranslate(header) { // you could translate or change the headers here if want to... return header; } }
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